Saturday, August 8, 2009

Beware the Facebook Quiz Junkie

Does anyone have a facebook friend who spends way too much time taking quizzes and letting you know about it? I've had to "hide" about five people, most of whom are only friends in the digital world anyway,who seemingly do nothing all day but take quizzes on things like "Which month I should have gotten married in?" and "Which Philly neighborhood are you REALLY from?"

I don't mind a quiz once in a while, and I've even been known to take a few (or maybe more than a few during a slow night of bad TV). But why do these results need to clutter up my facebook page? It seems like the majority of these test-happy facebookers are stay-at-home moms who turn into quiz junkies while junior is napping, playing at camp, or watching SpongeBob in the other room. How much more could I possibly need to know about these people who I don't really know in the first place??

Thinking about the quizzes makes me think about who's actually writing them, and perhaps more importantly, how are they being validated? How can I know that I'm really a "Kensington" if I don't even know where that part of Philly is? Would married life have really been easier if we tempted the meteorological fates and gotten married at the end of February instead of the middle of October? If only facebook had existed back in 2000 when we were planning our wedding!

But what I really want to know is if it's possible that I could use my extensive background in multiple-choice test construction, pop culture minutiae, and social networking sites to score a job that can tell you what John Hughes character you are most like by just answering 10 simple questions about underwear preference, what kind of car you drive, and what color dress you wore to your senior prom....

...Because that would be an AWESOME job!

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