Friday, August 7, 2009

BB Bats

An office trip to our local Nuts to You on 20th between Market and Chestnut Streets brought me face to face with a candy I hadn't seen in about 10 years: BB Bats. For those who don't know, BB Bats are rectangular taffies on a stick. They were great for chewing to loosen teeth back in the 70s, when losing baby teeth was cool. Apparently, they've been around since the Great Depression (the one before George W. Bush, that is).

Anyway, in addition to changing wrapper style to be more "modern", I noticed that the core four flavors have changed. Back in the 70s, you had banana, strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla. For today's more post-, post-modern kids, vanilla has been replaced with peanut butter. Given the craziness of people clamoring about peanut allergies in kids, this seems like an odd flavor choice. I mean, what was wrong with sticking with classic vanilla in the first place.

It just seems unfair. First the white Easter Peeps are discontinued. Now the vanilla BB Bats are replaced with anaphylactic-shock inducing peanut butter. Which white classic candy will be the next to fall victim to this candy conspiracy?


  1. Loved the banana ones...peanut butter flavor reminds me of Mary Janes candy - the molasses chews with peanut filling - remember those?

  2. Mmm, I used to love these things but I never would have remembered what they were called without seeing the wrappers! It's funny, as much as I love chocolate, I always preferred these in strawberry. This reminds me of going camping in the summer with my family, and we used to sit around the campsite eating these and candy cigarettes. Ah, the 70s!

  3. I loved Mary Janes. I just had them at work the other day.
