Tuesday, June 18, 2013

New Blog Name - Same Great Content

So after renewing my commitment to blog writing, I decided that I needed a new blog title. Not because the title 30-Something with Something to Say wasn't fabulous. But because it was no longer true.

I mean, I still have PLENTY to say. But I crossed the 40 threshold about 18 months ago, so now, I'm in the 40-something demographic. I'm still not sure how that happened but it did.

So welcome to Momentum Begins with Mom. Because that really is truth in advertising, and that title will never age out. If you want something done, ask a mom. If you want to know where something is, ask a mom. If you want to just talk about something, ask a mom.

So today, I wanted to talk about the most momly of mom duties -- housework. I started off today around 4 in the morning (thanks, insomnia) with a facebook post asking if anyone cleaned their houses from top to bottom before vacation, because that is exactly what I have been doing the past two days in preparation for our Wildwood, NJ vacation. As of 4pm that afternoon, I had 20 likes and another 12 moms who responded in the affirmative that they, like me, scoured their houses before vacation. What a typical mom move, right? Cleaning the house for when no one will be there. I even went so far in my status thread to admit that I have actually scrubbed hotel room tubs before taking a bath when I was on vacation. I mean, how could I let Calgon truly "take me away" with the thought of microbes and someone else's hair floating all around me. YUCK!!!!

Last weekend, we had a new babysitter at the house. Now I've known the babysitter for well over a year. She's a great college student -- really civics minded and whip-smart. I spent Friday night and most of Saturday cleaning the downstairs and our sons' rooms so that she wouldn't think she landed a babysitting gig on an episode of "Hoarders." Yup -- you read that right. A weekend day spent cleaning the house to impress a 22-year-old girl for three hours.

I wish I could understand what drives me, and other moms like me (and the occasional dad) to invest so much time in something that will only need to be done again, and again, and again until I either give up or hire a cleaning service. Although I suspect that even if I hired a cleaning service, I would probably still go over all their work to make sure that they dusted in all the corners, wiped the window wells, and.....well, you get the picture.

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